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The Top 4 Reasons to choose Xperience by Kentico

Posted on March 10, 2020
MVC is a development model that is part of the .NET framework and is dramatically different than ASP.NET Web Forms. If you have a version of Kentico that includes a “Form” tab in the pages application, chances are you are using Web Forms technology. There are many differences between the two frameworks, and they are not compatible with each other. Here is a compiled a list of four of the most important reasons you should choose MVC over Web Forms for your next web build. 

1. Future Proof 

ASP.NET Web Forms is being replaced by MVC and support for this framework is being phased out by Kentico in 2022. The industry has shifted and MVC development model is in line with Microsoft ASP.NET Core Framework. As a result, Kentico is now developing new versions of the CMS that fully adop MVC. Deciding to build with MVC will ensure that your website will be inline with the future of web development and upgrading the platform will be easier. The next version of Kentico 2020 will not include the Portal Engine (Web Forms) making MVC the only option moving forward. 
Kentico Systems timeline

2. Much Faster Site Speed

inorbital pagespeed insight

Making the switch to MVC has benefits on your website’s performance. In fact, performance with MVC is superior to portal engine in all ways. The major difference is seen in how with MVC the application is split in two. One application for the administration interface and one for the public facing website. By doing this, performance is substantially improved and only the part of the CMS you are using is what is being loaded. It is also faster to build pages and develop with MVC because development is not reliant on building in Visual Studio. All things being equal, this will save you time and money on web development.

3. Universality

MVC Stack is universally applicable and is not specific to Kentico. That is not to say that you do not need to hire a developer with Kentico expertise, but it is easier to hire developers that can work with the platform. The community is strong, and training is available. The days of working with a proprietary CMS that locks you out of development and updates is long gone. With MVC you are not subject to custom coded pieces that require maintenance and are expensive to develop.

4. Even Easier Content Editing

Kentico MVC is comes complete with a page builder interface that makes content editing a breeze. This new technology is a game changer because it does away with templates. Instead there are sections right on the "Page" tab that allow you to choose pre-defined row and column layout based on the design. You simply add these rows by click on the black “+” button and you can populate these sections by adding a widget by clicking on a blue “+” button.

K12 Sections example

The interface is very intuitive and allows you to develop otherwise complicated layouts or new Landing Pages in a matter of minutes. Of course, you would have to develop the custom widgets and decide on the sections that work within the site, but that is something that is unavoidable.

 K12 Widgets example

MVC also allows for the use of structured content so if you have a content heavy website and see on page editing as a potentially tedious and time consuming task, you can add your content in a “Content” tab that can be customized to give you the fields you need for easy content editing. In this way the system is identical to adding content on the “Form” tab in Webforms, so you get the best of both worlds with MVC.

Still not sure? Let us know!  

These four key reasons are more than enough to consider the move to MVC from portal, but if you aren't convinced we want to hear from you. Feel free to contact us to schedule a no obligation demo.

Blog post author Alex


Senior Project Manager

Alex Treen is the Senior Project Manager at Inorbital, a Canadian web design and development agency specializing in member-based solutions. Alex oversees project lifecycles, ensuring timely and budget-conscious delivery of dynamic websites for a diverse clientele. He has over 10 years of experience managing digital projects with a background in Psychology and Web Design.

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